In his speech tonight he went out of his way to say that his actions were NOT amnesty. If you believe that then you probably believed that 'if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor'.
This Obama drama isn't just a tantrum about the recent elections, it's also a cynical political play. The president has had six years to pretend to care about this issue. He didn't pull the pin on this grenade in 2012 because he wanted to get re-elected. He didn't pull the pin on this grenade in 2014 because the democrats trying to get re-elected would have stabbed Caesar on the steps of the White House. This is the same 'shove it down your throat' tactic he had to use when Massachusetts sent Senator Scott Brown to Washington in order to stop Obamacare. Once again the electorate has sent a message to the dictator, this time in overwhelming numbers, and he does not care. He knows better. Apparently elections only have consequences if you agree with him.
Obama: 'I hear you' - CNN
"To those of you who voted, I hear you," Obama said in his first public remarks since the election. To those who didn't vote, "I hear you too."Elections don't count. He knows better.
It's also cynical because it is a naked attempt to to incite the Republicans into a rabid rage. Which is strategically smart. That could just work. It would not be the first time he tricked Republicans into taking action that is just not well received by the electorate at large. When Republicans threatened to shut down the government, and then did (to no consequence at all), unless he gave waivers for Obamacare penalties to individuals and small businesses, like he had done for friendly unions and large corporations, he called their bluff. Scored his political points, and then cynically granted the waiver by executive order, out of the sight of the complacent main stream media. The government only shut down because that is what he wanted, for political reasons.
And finally, it's mostly cynical because he has introduced 5 million undocumented democratic voters into the electorate well in time for the 2016 elections. That's the real play here. Get a green card, you get a drivers license. Get a drivers license, you get to vote.
Zeig Heil!
I won't even go into all the video where Obama is telling the Latino voters in 2012 that he didn't have the authority to just grant amnesty by executive order, because he didn't have the legal authority. We have all seen it, and we know his declarations tonight have no legal standing, just as he understands. But who cares!
Maybe Jon Gruber was right?
Jon Stewart takes on Jon Gruber, calls Democrats ‘slimy’
Mr. Gruber, an MIT economist who was paid almost $400,000 to help shape Obamacare, said during an October 2013 appearance at the Universityof Pennsylvania that the “lack of transparency” and “stupidity of the American voter” were politically advantageous in getting the law passed.