Sunday, September 25, 2011

Micheal Moore's Class Warfare

Can you imagine if some Tea Party spokesman came out and said:
"The people coming to these town hall meetings are mad! They are sick and tired of their tax money being wasted. They are sick of the welfare state and they are not going to take it any more. If the government doesn't change,there could be violence.No one wants to see that but that's what could happen"
Holy crap! Oh my god! Nancy Pelosi's head would have exploded.

Just speaking your mind at a town hall meeting was a violent threat in their minds. And now, real threats of violence, and real acts of intimidation are ignored by the main street media. The same band of propagandists who wanted you to think those Tea Party were crazy and violent are now telling you, " uh oh, These Marxists might be violent, we better appease them!".

But it's OK when the class warriors on the left threaten you with violence.

The violent left is getting impatient with Obama.
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