Saturday, May 8, 2010

Doctor will I be able to play the piano when this heals?

Doctor: "sure you will"

Patient: "Good because I never could before"

Obama says health care law already helps millions
In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama promoted his top domestic priority, which passed Congress with no Republican votes and continues to stir strong emotions nationwide. He acknowledged that many provisions will not take effect for years. But he said others are doing some families good now.
Close your eyes, clear your mind of thoughts, and you will be able see unicorns and universal healthcare nirvana.
What he said:
"Ultimately, we'll have a system that provides more control for consumers, more accountability for insurance companies and more affordable choices for uninsured Americans," Obama said.
What he meant:
Ultimately, we'll have a system that provides more control of consumers, more accountability for insurance companies that still happen to exist, and more affordable choices for end of life counseling.
You can be sure that this weak attempt to win the hearts and minds of the skeptical middle will give way to future fake stories about real people being helped in real ways by Obamacare.

"Thanks to Obamacare I received a check for $250 so I could go out and buy some donut holes"
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