Friday, April 1, 2011

Where are the Cries for Civility?

Have you heard about the Wisconsin teacher who threatened as many as 16 GOP Wisconsin State Senators? If you weren't paying close attention, you may not have. What we are witnessing right now is the demonstrable extreme bias in the main stream media. Remember when the media at large contorted themselves to blame Sarah Palin's use of cross hair's on her web site for the violence of the lefty loon who shot  Arizona Representative Giffords? We endured weeks of mainstream propaganda lecturing the country about the danger of mixing rhetoric that might be interpreted as violent with political speech. Don't use words like 'target'. Don't ever say 'reload'. And when Tea Party protester's we're chanting 'kill the Bill', we saw the likes of Nancy Pelosi snivel about how she was concerned about the Tea Party rhetoric because she has witnessed political violence before (referring to the democratic lefty loon who shot and killed democratic political figure and gay activist Harvey Milk). The most condescending lecture/indictment came from Paul Krugman and editorial board at the New York times.

Jared Loughner is a lefty loon.

Left wing zealot Paul Krugman was part of the choir bemoaning the 'Climate of Hate'. At first blush, after reading the title you would have to be forgiven for momentarily thinking that the piece might be about the Bush years and the dementia, outrage and hate that surrounded the Bush / Haliburton conspiracy

And even low life lefty loon Marc Ash struck the pose of the indignant holier than thou phony.

But as soon as protesters in Wisconsin started chanting 'kill the Bill' the media went silent. No more lectures about violent rhetoric and petitions calling for 'civility in political discourse' were replaced by petitions for solidarity with the teachers in Wisconsin.

So, now that the media is looking the other way will they accept the blame for what are overt threats of violence coming from the left? or will they some how once again try and pin this too on Sarah Palin?

Woman faces charges in threatening emails to lawmakers
MADISON (WKOW) -- Authorities say 26-year-old Katherine Windels sent disturbing emails to 16 Republican senators, repeatedly threatening to kill them.
According to the complaint, Windels told the senators "you will be killed and your families [sic] will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks." She threatened to "put a nice little bullet in your head," and made reference to several bombs.